La Fiorita was born in 1973, by Paolo Bono, who, after having left this lands for over 20 years, came back in Ome, then he plant the first vineyard and he built the first structure.
Typical Franciacorta dishes, cooked using genuine products coming from the orchard, from the farm and from the winery.
The restaurant is subdivided in three different halls with different dimensions, appropriate for both, small or wide groups.
Opening times
– Friday for dinner
– Saturday and Sunday for lunch and dinner
The opening during the week is possible only for wide groups with reservation.
Personalized menus
For wide groups is possible to create a personalized menu selecting from our dishes.
Menu à la carte
Our dishes respect the Franciacorta traditions throw three generations old recipes.
Menu à la carte
Traditional dishes
The kitchen is managed with passion by our family: all the ingredients are produced in our farm or they come from selected local farms.
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Selected menu
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{{ menuScelto.costo }}
{{ elemento.valore }}
* dishes served with roasted potatoes and polenta
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{{ menu.costo }}
- {{ menItems.valore }}
* dishes served with roasted potatoes and polenta